Assamese is one of the modern Indian languages spoken by the majority of the people of the State of Assam. It is also the lingua franca amongst the different tribes of Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and other hill areas within the states. So the subject of Assamese was introduced from the very beginning of the college (1969). Presently, the Department is run by five faculty members both in Major and core courses.
Sl No. | Course Title | Course Code | Course Outcome |
1 | History of Assamese Literature (from the begining to Post-Sankardev’s period) | ASMM101 | Ø Introduce various periods of the history of Assamese literature Ø Provids basic characteristics of every periods literature. |
2 | History of Assamese Literature (from Arunudoi period to Post 2nd World war period) | ASMM201 | Ø Introduce Assamese literature of Arunudoi period to Post 2nd world war period. Ø Identify diversity of modern Assamese Literature. |
3 | Introduction of Linguistics (ভাষাবিজ্ঞানৰ প্ৰাথমিক পৰিচয়) | ASMM301 | Ø Introduce key issues related to language and linguistics. Ø Introduce history of linguistic study. |
4 | Study of Assamese Poety (অসমীয়া কবিতাৰ অধ্যয়ন) | ASMM302 | Ø Introduce history of Assamese poetry Ø Learn characteristics and diversity of Assamese poetry. |
5 | Assamese Prose-Literature (অসমীয়া গদ্য-সাহিত্য) | ASMM401 | Ø Introduce history of Assamese prose literature Ø Learn pruality and characteristics of Assamese prose literature. |
6 | Languages of Assam and Script (অসমৰ ভাষা আৰু লিপি) | ASMM402 | Ø Introduce different languages and dialects of Assam Ø Characteristics and mutual exchange between different languages of Assam Ø Scripts used by the languages |
7 | Literary Theory and Criticism (সাহিত্যতত্ত্ব আৰু সমালোচনা) | ASMM501 | Ø Lern definition of literature and its genre. Ø Learn characterictics of literature and different forms of literature |
8 | Assamese Drama (অসমীয়া নাটক) | ASMM502 | Ø Provides concept about evaluation of Assamese Drama and theater. Ø Read and interpret selected Assamese drama. |
9 | Cultural Studies (সংস্কৃতি অধ্যয়ন) | ASMM503 | Ø Provides basic concept of culture Ø Indroduce significance of Assamese Culture. |
10 | Comparative Indian Literature (তুলনামূলক ভাৰতীয় সাহিত্য) | ASMM504 | Ø Introduce definition of comparative Literature Ø Introduce areas of comparative Indian literature Ø Provides essentialness of reading Comparative Indian Literature. |
11 | Various Aspect of Language & Literature Study (ভাষা সাহিত্য অধ্যয়নৰ বিভিন্ন দিশ) | ASMM 601 | Ø Develop professional ethics by learning the art of News presentation (basically print media and visual media), draft editing, preparation of Advertisement (specially language of Advertisement) |
12 | Indian Aryan Language and Assamese Language (ভাৰতীয় আৰ্যভাষা আৰু অসমীয়া ভাষা) | ASMM602 | Ø Introduce evaluation of Indian Aryan Language Ø Introduce linguistic features of its (IAL) different states like Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit |
13 | Linguistic studies of Assamese Language (অসমীয়া ভাষাৰ ভাষাতাত্ত্বিক অধ্যয়ন) | ASMM603 | Ø Introduce the concept of Phonetics and Morphomics. Ø Identify basic characteristics of Assamese, Phonology, Morphology and Syntax. |
14 | Introduction to World Literature (বিশ্বসাহিত্যৰ পৰিচয়) | ASMM 604 | Ø Provide ideas and introduction of world literature Ø Read and interpret selected text of World Literature. |
1 | Literary Criticism: General Introduction (সাহিত্য সমালোচনা: সাধাৰণ পৰিচয়) | EAS 101 | Ø Introduce Literature and it’s genre. Ø Introduce three main approaches of Literature Criticism namely- Historical Approach, Analytical Approach & Comparative Approach. Ø Introduce basic concept of rasa and alagkara. |
2 | Languages of Assam and Script (অসমৰ ভাষা আৰু লিপি) | EAS 201 | Ø Introduce different languages and dialects of Assam Ø Characteristics and mutual exchange between different languages of Assam Ø Scripts used by the languages |
1 | Assamese Prose Literature (অসমীয়া গদ্যসাহিত্য) | EAS 301 | Ø Introduce history of Assamese prose literature Ø Learn pruality and characteristics of Assamese prose literature. Ø Read and interpret selected Assamese prose |
2 | Assamese Culture (অসমীয়া সংস্কৃতি) | EAS 401 | Ø Provides basic concept of culture and it’s components. Ø Indroduce significance of Assamese Culture. |
3 | Poetry and Drama (কবিতা আৰু নাটক) | EAS 501 | Ø Introduce history of Assamese poetry and drama. Ø Read and interpret selected Assamese drama and poem, |
4 | Various aspects of Language and Literature Study (ভাষা-সাহিত্য অধ্যয়নৰ বিভিন্ন দিশ) | EAS 601 | Ø Develop professional ethics by learning the art of News presentation (basically print media and visual media), draft editing, preparation of Advertisement (specially language of Advertisement) |
B.A. in Assamese Course (CBCS)
1 | History of Assamese Literature (from the beginning to post Sangkardev’s period) অসমীয়া সাহিত্যৰ বুৰঞ্জী (শংকৰোত্তৰ যুগ পৰ্যন্ত) | C-1 | Ø Introduce significance of period devidation in the history of literature. Ø Introduce various periods of the history of Assamese literature Ø Provids basic characteristics of every periods literature. |
2 | History of Assamese Literature (From the Arunudoi’s era to present times) অসমীয়া সাহিত্যৰ বুৰঞ্জী (অৰুনোদই যুগৰ পৰা সাম্প্ৰতিক কাল পৰ্যন্ত) | C-2 | Ø Introduce Assamese literature from Arunudoi period to present times. Ø Identify diversity of modern Assamese Literature. |
3 | Introduction to Linguistics ভাষাবিজ্ঞানৰ পৰিচয় | C-3 | Ø Introduce key issues related to language and linguistics. Ø Introduce genres of Linguistics. Ø Introduce history of linguistic study and language classification. |
4 | Poetics সাহিত্যতত্ত্ব | C-4 | Ø Introduce basic theoretical knowledge of eastern and western poetic study. Ø Introduce some approaches of literaty criticism namely- classicism, mysticism, romanticism, realism and modernism. Ø This course also emphasis on eastern literary genre likes- sabdasakti, rasa,guna, riti, alangkara, matra etc. |
5 | Literary Criticism সাহিত্য সমালোচনা | C-5 | Ø Provide basic ideas of different types of literary criticism including their methods Ø Introduce different genre of literature like- poem, drama, one act play, novel, short story etc. |
6 | Selection from Assamese poetry অসমীয়া কবিতাৰ চানেকি | C-6 | Ø Introduce evolution of Assamese poetry. Ø Read and interpret selected Assamese poem. |
7 | Studies on the Culture of Assam অসমৰ সংস্কৃতি অধ্যয়ন | C-7 | Ø Provides basic concept of culture and it’s components. Ø Indroduce significance of Assamese Culture Ø Introduce Ethnic groups of Assam. |
8 | Theory and Practice of Comparative Literature তুলনামূলক সাহিত্যৰ পদ্ধতি আৰু প্ৰয়োগ | C-8 | Ø Introduce definition of comparative Literature Ø Introduce areas of comparative Indian literature Ø Provides essentialness of reading Comparative Indian Literature in the context of Assamese literature. |
9 | Indo-Aryan Languages and Assamese ভাৰতীয় আৰ্যভাষা আৰু অসমীয়া ভাষা | C-9 | Ø Introduce evaluation of Indian Aryan Language Ø Introduce linguistic features of its (IAL) different states like Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit Ø Read selected text and identify linguistic features. |
10 | Selection from Assamese Prose-A অসমীয়া গদ্যৰ চানেকি (ক) | C-10 | Ø Introduce history of Assamese prose literature Ø Learn pruality and characteristics of Assamese prose literature. Ø Read and interpret selected Assamese |
11 | Assamese Drama অসমীয়া নাটক | C-11 | Ø Provides concept about evaluation of Assamese Drama and theater. Ø Read and interpret selected Assamese drama |
12 | Studies on Assamese Linguistics অসমীয়া ভাষাৰ ভাষাবৈজ্ঞানিক অধ্যয়ন | C-12 | Ø Introduce the concept of Phonetics and Morphomics. Ø Identify basic characteristics of Assamese Phonology, Morphology and Syntax. |
13 | Selection from Assamese Prose (B) অসমীয়া গদ্যৰ চানেকি (খ) | C-13 | Ø Read and interpret selected Assamese prose witten in modern time. Ø Learn pruality and characteristics of Assamese prose literature |
14 | Language and script of Assam অসমৰ ভাষা আৰু লিপি | C-14 | Ø Introduce different languages and dialects of Assam Ø Learn characteristics and mutual exchange between different languages of Assam Ø Scripts used by the languages |
Quality enhancement compulsory course:
15 | Communicative Assamese যোগাযোগমূলক অসমীয়া | AECC | Ø Prepared to enable the students for communicative skill through the Assamese language. Ø Introduce key issue of oral and written communication for enhancement of communicative skill. |
Skill development compulsory course
16 | Introduction to Translation and Practice অনুবাদৰ পৰিচয় আৰু প্ৰয়োগ | SEC-1 | Ø Introduce translation work and it’s necessity. Ø Provides both theoretical and practical knowledge of translation. |
17 | Preparation of Research Papers গৱেষণা পত্ৰ লেখন | SEC-2 | Ø introduce the methods of research paper preparation and presentation. Ø Introduce different types of research. |
Main course related choice base course
18 | Assamese Grammar, Lexicon and Idiomatic Usages অসমীয়া ব্যাকৰণ, অভিধান আৰু জতুৱা প্ৰয়োগ | DSE-1 | Ø Introduce general information about correct Assamese pronunciation, correct spelling system, phases and idioms of Assamese language, use of proper terminology. Ø Analyze various aspects of Assamese grammar. Ø Basic introduction of Assamese dictionary. |
19 | Introduction to Indian Literature ভাৰতীয় সাহিত্যৰ পৰিচয় | DSE-2 | Ø Introduce uniformity of Indian literature which is express by malty-languages of India. Ø Read and interpret selected text written in Hindi, Oriya and Bengali. |
20 | Introduction to World Literature বিশ্ব সাহিত্যৰ পৰিচয় | DSE-3 | Ø Provides the concept of world literature, its creation and expansion. Ø Read and interpret selected text of word literature. |
21 | Special Author বিশেষ লেখক | DSE-4 | Ø Provide ample scope for the students to thoroughly read out particular one’s life and literary contribution of the selected literary greats namely- Bhupen Hazarika, Bhabendranath Saikia, Birendra Kumar Bhattacharya, Mamoni Roysom Goswami or Nirupama Borgohain. |
Inter-disciplinary choice base course
22 | Performing Arts লোক পৰিবেশ্য কলা | GE-1(A) | Ø Introduce the concept of performing arts Ø Provides a brief sketch of some selected performing arts of Assam such as-Ozapali, Huchari, Jhumur, Farkanti, Bagarumba etc. |
23 | Culture of Assam and Cultural Tourism অসমৰ সংস্কৃতি আৰু সাংস্কৃতিক পৰ্যটন | GE-1(B) | Ø Provides the concept of the scope for build up cultural tourism on the basis of cultural atmosphere and resources of Assam. |
Compulsory course related with Assamese language-literature-culture
24 | Teaching of Assamese Literature অসমীয়া সাহিত্যৰ শিক্ষণ পদ্ধতি | GE-2 | Ø Introduce the art and methods of Assamese literature teaching. |
25 | Teaching of Assamese Language অসমীয়া ভাষাৰ শিক্ষণ পদ্ধতি | GE-3 | Ø Prepared to develop skill for attractive and correct verbal and written conversation in Assamese Ø Introduce methods of grammar teaching. |
26 | Ø Prepared to develop skill for attractive and correct verbal and written conversation in Assamese Ø Introduce methods of grammar teaching. | GE-4 | Ø Introduce a newly developed inter disciplinary subject namely- sociology of literature. Ø Introduce various genre of Sociology of literature. |